Thursday, May 7, 2009

Keratosis and Pilaris and UREA?

Urine has urea so if I "pee" on my arms with bumps (eeeew, but if it is effctive, why not) will it improve my skin?

keratosis pilaris is like permanent goosebumps usually on ur forearms. UREA is said to make the appearance better

Keratosis and Pilaris and UREA?
No, it will not improve your skin ! Urea is found in urine, but in very very very small amounts, and not enough to improve the skin on your arms.

Keratosis Pilaris is a genetic disorder, so there is not a true true. You can manage it better by washing with a "buff puff" pad or one of those soft nylon bath sponges. Use a good quality moisterizer (Purpose, Amlactin, Neutrogena, or DML if you can find DML) daily. This will help lessen the keratotic plugs.

Urea creams are great too !!

Hope this helps


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