Thursday, May 7, 2009

Keratosis Pilaris?

Is keratosis pilaris incurable?

Keratosis Pilaris?
Yes, there is no cure for it but there are certain things that help mask it for the time being. Concealer usually does the trick for me, but I've also heard certain diets do. (drink two or three glasses of carrot juice daily, and get Vitamin A in your diet) Another thing that works for people is tanning. However, I'm afraid melanoma may strike me so I prefer to stay away from tanning salons or being out in the sun for too long. And if you think about it - tans only last for so long until you're back to your natural colour. And when your natural colour comes back, it's usually winter. Keratosis pilaris is said to be worse in the winter time because of the dry air so it's harder to hide. But to get down to the point: I have heard that there are cases where keratosis pilaris goes away with age. If you have a relative that has or has had it perhaps ask them if it ever disappeared. I know keratosis pilaris is hereditary and as a result I got it from my relatives. Good luck!
Reply:Chicken skin is a genetic follicular cure. Try Salex to help.

****The guy below who listed the 3 links has good info. Salex is best - and the guy who said it is curable is wrong. It will fade, but it is not curable. Geesh. You will need a script for Salex - see your doc.
Reply:definitely curable. it's just clogged hair follicles. sort of like freckles or birthmarks. not an infection or anything to wrry about. just sort of looks and feels gross. There's this lotion called KP by dermadoctor that works great. but you have to use it at least every other day.
Reply:Keratosis pilaris is benign, self-limiting, and often disappears with age. It is more common in patients with atopic dermatitis (eczema) and seems to run in families.

Please see the webpages for more details and images on Keratosis pilaris.
Reply:I have this. I have always been overly aware of it, too.

The only way it went away, although temporarily, was when I was at the tanning salon. I did that this year and I did that back about 8 years ago, each for two months at a time, and it worked. I don't recommend it because tanning is bad for you, but it's a quick fix if you are going to be in a wedding and have to wear sleeveless dresses~

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