Thursday, May 7, 2009

Keratosis Pilaris is ruining my life?

I'm a cheerleader and a basketball player. My keratosis pilaris shows because its all over my legs. It feels like everyone is looking at your skin. I've tried putting lotions for months, but it isn't going away. =( What do i do?

Keratosis Pilaris is ruining my life?
this is one of those problems, where modern medicine has no interest in finding a cure for, because it's a harmless, genetic skin condition. However, I heard a long time ago that it becomes less evident as you grow older, and it's true. Over the years, it's faded almost away for me, I had it bad on my upper arms.

I know this is no help, but it's the best I can do.
Reply:I just got this lotion called KP duty from Dermadoctor. So far its been a week and the bumps have gone down, theres some reviews from the website and they mostly say about a month for great results so im working on it. so u can get it from or Report It

Reply:You got my interest....what is Keratosis Pilaris?

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