Friday, November 20, 2009

Keratosis Pilaris?!?

I have had contradicting opinions. Is it ok to use lotions with Petrolium and other heavier moisturzing agents in them? or will it clog the pores, I have found that the body butters and thicker creams are the only things that help make my skin smooth. Now i'm not sure if they clog my pores and make the KP worst?!

I was perscribed a lotion, havent used it long enough to see if it works, but my skin is still a little dry I think i will need to use another lotion in addition to it i think, plus one for the non kp parts of my body

Keratosis Pilaris?!?
First of all, it sounds like you have taken great steps towards controlling your Keratosis Pilaris, or KP as it is often called. As long as you do not experience any inflammation (such as symptoms of itching, pain, redness, etc.), you can try to layer your Lachydrin with your Lustra, but use your Retin A solo at bedtime. Since alpha hydroxy acids (lachydrin is lactic acid which falls into this category) help soften the skin and hydrate as well, this allows a better absorption of other products. So apply Lachydrin first, give it a few minutes to dry and then apply your Lustra. Also, KP can definitely be accompanied by skin discoloration, whether brown or more of a reddish purple. The skin bleach with help with the brown discoloration. If you have reddness, then you may want to try Mederma. Also, if you need to give more of a blast to your KP to smooth out the skin, you may want to consider alternating your lachydrin with Carmol 20 Cream as urea is quite helpful or even use Epilyt Lotion periodically. The propylene glycol helps smooth out the bumps. I usually have the patient apply Epilyt Lotion at night as it is a bit oily. Use it sparingly for this reason. If you have not had the opportunity to read through my article on this topic, Keratosis Pilaris you may find it helpful. Our product DERMAdoctor KP Duty Dermatologist Moisturizing Therapy For Dry Skin contains glycolic acid and urea and has achieved great clinical results. Take a look at our DERMAwizard for Keratosis Pilaris which you should find helpful.

For more info, check out these...

: ) Good luck! : )
Reply:Mostly everything that I was perscribed from the skin doctor did not work one bit!!!I tried so many solutions that I found off the internet.

But then I found out that tanning at the booths or whenever its sunny makes it go away.But it takes about 4 weeks 2X a week to 3X a week and then you will see magnificent differences.
Reply:hey ive been trying to look for a cure for a long time.. sad thing is is this thing is not curable! but you can prevent them from looking bad and make em smooth. home remedies from people who had them for ears recommend that you use 100% EXTRA virgin coconut oil. you can find it in whole food section and you mix it with parts water and it where you have kp. im gonna try it and everyone says it works. you can use it in the shower to. and i think it says you leave it on for 20 min before rinsing it off.

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