Monday, November 16, 2009

White spots on upper arms?? keratosis pilaris??

I have these blotchy white spots on both of my upper arms. The spots are drier than the rest of my arms and look bumpy, but aren't. I researched it and came up with a disease called keratosis pilaris, but it pretty much had nothing that you could do for it. It suggested rubbing certain lotions on it, but I've tried that and it hasn't seemed to help. The only thing that really helps is if I get some sun, then it reduces their appearance. But I won't be able to get sun all the time, and I am so self-conscious about them, I feel like I can't even wear sleeveless shirts. Any ideas of what I can do to in order to make them go away or at least to reduce their appearance without just getting a tan?

White spots on upper arms?? keratosis pilaris??
Keratosis pilaris is quite common. Probably 50% of people have it to some degree. It is genetic, and you are right, there is nothing you can do about it. I have it on the back of my upper arms. As you age, the condition gets less and less. Using an emollient skin lotion helps. Something like Lubriderm or Aveeno are good choices. You are probably more sensitive about it than you need to be. Other people may not even notice it.

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